
How Many Different Languages Are There in the World?

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Different languages in the world, how many are? Communication is very important for our survival. None of us would have been able to understand each other without the ability to communicate. But communication also went through different phases. Nothing advanced communication more than languages. When we invented a way to give words to our feelings and emotions, we made things easy for all of us. Languages allowed us to communicate with each other with ease. Without proper languages, the meanings of our conversations would have been lost, and misunderstandings would have developed between people, communities, and nations. Language and then translation helped us bridge the gap between people of different regions.

Languages in the world

Today, the total number of languages in the world remains in flux due to the endangered status of a few languages. Some languages with less than a thousand speakers can be lost for good at any moment. Another factor that plays an important role in determining the total number of the world’s languages is that we are discovering new languages every day. Some communities in remote areas of the world have unique languages that only have a few speakers. A lot of such languages still haven’t been discovered. But as of now, the world has 7,111 languages. A third of these languages have less than a thousand speakers and are considered endangered.

Origin Of Languages:

The origin of languages is a subject of much debate among linguists and anthropologists. The most widely accepted theory is that languages evolved gradually through cultural and social development among early human communities. This process likely began with simple vocalizations and gestures, eventually developing into more complex communication systems as human societies grew more complex. Some scholars propose a single ancestral language, often called Proto-World or Proto-Human, from which all modern languages descended. Others suggest a more complex scenario involving multiple language families originating independently. While the exact origins of language remain uncertain, evidence from linguistics, archaeology, and genetics continues to shed light on this fascinating aspect of human evolution and development.

The Indo-European languages, including Slavic languages and Baltic languages, represent a rich linguistic heritage tracing back to the origins of human language. Within this vast language family, Austronesian languages also hold significance, serving as indispensable sources for understanding linguistic evolution. In regions like North America, African languages, and South Asia, diverse language families flourish, each contributing to the complex tapestry of human communication. Despite the prevalence of common languages like English as the primary language of commerce and national languages, there remains a recognition of the importance of preserving indigenous languages as the official working languages of their respective regions. The 11th edition of linguistic studies continues to illuminate the origins and development of human language, emphasizing the crucial role of every single speaker in perpetuating linguistic diversity and cultural heritage.


Most Spoken Languages

Linguistic diversity thrives worldwide, with indigenous languages like those found in Papua New Guinea coexisting alongside official languages and common tongues. Despite the prevalence of major languages, there’s a rich tapestry of distinct languages within language families. In some regions, linguistic landscapes reflect a wide range of languages, including Slavic and Germanic languages. Cultural diversity is evident through the distribution of languages, where regional languages maintain their vitality alongside national and predominant languages.

Chinese dialects and Arabic dialects highlight the complexity within single languages, while Arabic speakers and speakers of Germanic languages contribute to the global mosaic of language speakers. Despite the dominance of certain languages, linguistic diversity remains a testament to humanity’s multifaceted linguistic heritage, where each living language holds value, ensuring a vibrant and diverse linguistic landscape for future generations. 400 million native speakers. These languages are the top five most spoken languages in our world.

In a world with 7,111 languages, more than half of the world’s population speaks only 23 languages. Asian and European languages are the most spoken languages in the world today. The most spoken language in our world is Mandarin Chinese. One in six people in the world speaks Mandarin. According to one estimate, the number of Mandarin speakers worldwide is 1.2 billion. It is not only the most spoken language in the world but is also considered the most difficult language to learn by many linguists. The list of languages spoken in Equatorial Guinea reflects the diversity of its indigenous peoples, while Chinese dialects dominate in South Africa, and Spanish is prevalent in the Dominican Republic.

English is the second most spoken language in the world. The reason behind English’s status as the second most spoken language is not its native speakers. English is spoken by many people who learned it as their second language.

Those who wish to get a good job and secure a place in the fast-moving economy don’t adhere to their native languages. Almost 43% of the world’s population is Bilingual, meaning they can speak two languages with equal fluency. Speaking two languages efficiently helps people find themselves in the quickly changing world. You can’t stay relevant if you can’t speak multiple languages.

Sign Languages

Sign language is a complex visual-gestural communication system used by deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals to convey meaning through handshapes, movements, and facial expressions. Its origins trace back to communities of deaf individuals who developed natural gestural systems for communication. Formal sign languages, such as American Sign Language (ASL) and British Sign Language (BSL), emerged through interaction among deaf communities, often influenced by local culture and language. Sign languages are fully-fledged languages with their own grammar and syntax, distinct from spoken languages. They can express the same complex ideas and concepts as spoken languages. Sign language plays a vital role in facilitating communication and fostering community among deaf individuals, and it continues to evolve alongside linguistic, technological, and social changes.

Dying & Endangered Languages

What happens when a language becomes endangered or dies? Endangered languages are at risk of dying. They have only a few native speakers, and with the death of those speakers, the language dies, too. There are a few languages in the world with only a few native speakers; such languages are on the brink of death and will be extinct once their native speakers die. Languages also become endangered when they are not taught to the younger generations.

Modernization has made it impossible for people to stay in touch with their outdated languages. In such scenarios, parents and elders don’t teach their children the native languages. Kids spend all their energy learning modern languages like English and Spanish, consequently losing touch with their native language. When their parents pass away, they take the language with them. With no new speakers of a language, it becomes extinct.


Plenty of languages have gone extinct because all their speakers are dead. Depending on the number of a language’s native speakers, it is assigned a status ranging from critically endangered to vulnerable. Linguistics take steps to protect endangered languages and their texts so they don’t disappear from the face of the earth even when all their native speakers have passed away. Even today, all the big museums have transcripts of old languages that have gone extinct but can still be understood, thanks to the efforts of those who love languages and culture. We have also discovered languages of the old that no one can understand, but it is good to know that languages have existed for a long time. It gives us hope that humans always find a way to communicate with each other and stay connected.


There are also languages like Old English, Latin, Biblical Hebrew, Sanskrit, and Ancient Hebrew that don’t have any native speakers left but are still being studied. Many linguistics love studying dead languages due to different reasons. Latin is the most famous dead language due to its popularity in the Western World. It keeps making appearances in texts, movies, and TV shows. Latin’s popularity in pop culture makes it a hard-to-ignore language. People learn other dead languages due to their religious or educational significance.

We will continue to discover more languages every year, and many languages will go extinct yearly, too. But as long as we continue to have proper tools and means of communication, we can live in harmony. And the best way to be able to understand each other and communicate effectively is through translation.

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