Why has English become an Universal language?
If you’re traveling to a new country or culture where you are not a native speaker, it becomes really difficult to adjust. But if you are a native speaker of English, you will face no difficulty regarding the native language. It is because more than 20% of the world’s population speaks English. According to an estimate, almost 380 million people are native speakers of English. And more than 430 million people speak it as their second language. From this, we can conclude that English, without a doubt, is the most popular and Universal language. It is the world’s second-largest lingo and has the official language status in about 70 countries.
With such a huge group of speakers, people often wonder why it has become a global language. To know the reason, let’s explore this universal lingo!

History and Origin
English is a West Germanic language, originating from Anglo-Frisian dialects in the mid-5th century. The history of the English Language started with the arrival of three Germanic tribes. These tribes were the Angles, the Saxons, and the Jutes. From crossing from the North Sea, now Denmark and Northern Germany, their destination was Britain while passing through Africa. At that time, the inhabitants of Britain speak the Celtic language. Many of the people were transferred to the west and north by the invaders, now Scotland, Wales, and Ireland. The Angles tribe came from ‘Englaland’ and their language was ‘Englisc’ from which the words England and English are derived.
In the past, the Earth has been losing diversity at every level, including biology and culture. This dominant language crossed deviant cultures and forms, i.e., Old, Middle, and Modern English. In the late 19th century, the British Empire made it compulsory to use English in regions worldwide, such as North America, Australia, India, New Zealand, and Africa. And therefore by the 20th century, it became the primary language in many countries.
Throughout history, people had to communicate with each other, whether related to paperwork, articles, business, fighting, or hunting. Since the beginning of human civilization, it has been the main international lingo established for dominant civilization. Today, most of the scientific research around the world is available in a single language, English. It is currently in use for research papers and business purposes. It traveled from England to India, South Africa, Australia, the United States, etc. In the post-colonial period, some newly created nations with multiple indigenous languages decided to continue using English.
English Grammar
The huge number of English speakers is also because of this lingo’s easy grammar and pronunciation. Among all other tongues, English is the most easily understood almost everywhere among scholars and educated people, as it is the world media language and a business language. English Grammar is the way through which we give wording to our meanings. It includes the structure of words, clauses, phrases, sentences, and whole texts.
About eight parts of speech are in use to distinguish the common language. These include nouns, pronouns, determiners, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions, and conjugations. Each of them performs its function in the grammar criteria. In English, the use of the first-person singular is more encouraged rather than the plural. The regular verbs in this dialect have four forms: Infinitive + Present, Past Tense + Past Participle, 3rd person singular Present Indicative, and Present Participle. Moreover, English is a great importer of words, absorbing vocabulary from the Latin language. All over the world, people know many English words, their pronunciation, and their meaning.
Fluent speakers of foreign languages, including Asian languages with agglutinative grammar, may encounter grammar errors when learning a constructed language like Esperanto. The Esperanto Movement, represented by initiatives such as Duolingo Esperanto and the Esperanto Congress, seeks to enhance linguistic proficiency.
Despite being a constructed language, Esperanto draws from ancestral languages and strives for grammatical accuracy. Like an Esperanto, The Akademio de Esperanto Association aims to standardize language use and rectify grammar errors, contributing to the language’s evolution. People speaking Esperanto actively engage with this linguistic journey, navigating the linguistic landscape while adhering to Edenic language ideals and considering the influence of evolving English grammar norms. Through this communal effort, individuals contribute to the vibrant community of people speaking Esperanto and foster the language’s growth and development.

Why has English become a Universal language?
Linguists do not try to ascribe values to human languages to identify the features of a universal lingo; instead, they try to identify the international usage of the lingo. One can never undervalue the influence of languages on society. Owing to the English-sized population and its usage in daily life, this lingo had the name ‘lingua Franca.’
English has become a universal language due to its widespread adoption by English speakers across various English-speaking countries, becoming the language of business and international communication. During the 19th century, the influence of European languages, combined with the colonial expansion of English-speaking nations, propelled English to prominence. Its adaptability, prevalence in Asian languages, and usage as a bridge between ethnic languages contributed to its universality. Additionally, being a natural language, it surpassed artificial languages and became the common medium for communication in the international community, fostering fluency among speakers beyond their mother tongue.
Despite its complex grammar and countless errors, English has evolved into a universal language, surpassing the purity of mother tongues like Adamic or Edenic. This phenomenon stems from its widespread usage among non-native speakers, who, over time, have adopted it as a lingua franca. In every corner of the world, you can find people conversing over a simple cup of coffee, transcending linguistic barriers, much like the inhabitants of Esperanto Island, where the dream of a universal language becomes a reality.
To make you understand the importance of this language as a universal phenomenon, the following factors are helpful:
Hollywood Away
The diversity of English has played a great role in making it a universal language. Hollywood movies have the largest audience in the world. Hollywood movies are often translated into regional languages to make them understandable for people to watch, but this does not limit many English viewers.
Book Publications
English is the most preferred language for written book publications. Many books are written in regional languages, but most are often translated into English because their vast vocabulary is most understandable for most people. It is not only widely spoken but also widely read.
English is pivotal in book publications, serving as a global language for literature and scholarly works. Many authors, regardless of native language, choose English for its broad readership. It expands a book’s reach, attracting publishers and readers internationally. English is the primary language in academic publishing, ensuring research dissemination worldwide. Literary works in English gain accessibility, impacting cultural and intellectual exchange. As a publishing language, English facilitates the dissemination of diverse narratives and knowledge, making it a key element in the global book production and consumption landscape.
Jack of All Trades
This language is unlimited as it touches all different fields. English is the language of science, technology, mathematics, tourism, finance, business, and several other areas. It is a common language for communication because it helps various industries prosper internationally.
Usage on Internet
According to the Internet World Stats, English is the most used language on the internet. Most of the information and content available on the Internet is in the English language. The statistic shared by the English Language Centre indicates that more than 52% of the world’s most browsed websites are available in English.
English is the primary language for coding, programming, and software development, making it the backbone of the digital landscape. The most widely used programming languages are documented and discussed in English, ensuring a standardized and universal approach to software development.
Moreover, English is the language of international business and diplomacy, making it a natural choice for global Internet communication. Companies, organizations, and individuals worldwide use English as the common medium for online transactions, negotiations, and professional interactions.
In essence, the ubiquity of English on the internet enhances connectivity, fosters global collaboration, and ensures that a diverse range of users can access and contribute to the digital realm, making it an indispensable tool for navigating the vast landscape of the online world.
A Funny and Interesting Language
English is a very funny and interesting language. This lingo’s flexibility and ease make it a more interesting subject of study. There are several online tutorials available on the Internet platforms for non-native speakers of English in which all the guidance is given. One can learn several new words from those tutorials. Check out the most unique language on the planet.
Official Status
The most important reason for this language’s universal status is that it is the official language in 57 countries, which makes it an international language. This suggests that it is the most widely spoken; therefore, no one can doubt its universal status.
English holds various official statuses worldwide. It is the official or national language in several countries, including the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, and many others. Also, English is often an official or administrative language in international organizations such as the United Nations and the European Union. Its global importance in business, science, and diplomacy further solidifies its status as a de facto global language. While not universally designated as an official language everywhere, its widespread use and influence make it a de facto official language in numerous contexts, contributing to its global significance.
Unites the World
Being a universal language brings everyone together. We can understand others, allowing us to move in the same direction. Since English has a huge role in the world, it has been given the status of the English language.
Its widespread use in international business, diplomacy, and online platforms creates a common ground for people worldwide. English proficiency promotes collaboration, breaking down language barriers in science, technology, and academia. Access to English-language resources connects individuals globally, transcending borders and facilitating the exchange of ideas. As a shared medium, English unites the world by providing a universal language that empowers people to collaborate, share knowledge, and engage in a global conversation.
Why is English Important to you?
English is important for scientific communication as it is the auxiliary language in many central countries. Fluency in English is crucial for native and non-native speakers, facilitating effective scientific discourse and promoting understanding across borders. English proficiency is often emphasized in foreign countries due to its role as the language of science and its use at international organizations like the United Nations. While historically significant, the French language has seen English become dominant in Modern Language Journal publications, underlining the global importance of English in academic and scientific contexts. Additionally, the comprehension of English body language further enhances cross-cultural communication.
English is important to us because it serves as a bridge across cultures, allowing communication despite errors in grammar. Like sharing a cup of coffee can foster connections, English enables us to connect with people worldwide. Additionally, through organizations like the Universal Esperanto Association and Esperanto Koresponda, we recognize the significance of a universal language, which English has become, facilitating understanding and collaboration on a global scale.
The importance of this lingo is highlighted for you in the following points:
- It is the most useful language, and its universal status can also be proven.
- Learning any native tongue seems difficult and time-consuming. However, regardless of which country you belong to, learning English provides you with many opportunities.
- There is no flaw in learning a new language, as it will only enhance your knowledge.
- If you want to start an International business and are worried about the medium of Communication, learning English will make the road easier for you.
- English adds value to one’s life; therefore, it is very important for everyone.
Learn English Accent
As you can see, English is a universal language with many importance and potential benefits; everyone should learn it. Learning English is not very difficult. The history and dominance of English worldwide answer the question of why it is the universal language. For non-native speakers, pronunciation and accents are the main problems, but they are not long-lasting. With time, it becomes easy, and they can understand and communicate in the same English accent.
Mastering the English accent is crucial for international communication, as it is an auxiliary language facilitating understanding among speakers of diverse natural languages. While learners may encounter errors in grammar during the process, the pursuit of linguistic proficiency transcends these errors, aiming to create a harmonious bridge akin to an Adamic language in the intricate tapestry of global communication. The focus on rectifying errors of grammar becomes an integral part of the journey toward mastering the nuances of learning the English accent for effective and accurate cross-cultural interaction.
Learning an English accent is essential for effective scientific communication, especially in the United States, where English is the international language. Fluent speakers, whether English is their ancestral language or not, strive to master the nuances of the language. In a foreign country, adapting one’s mother tongue to the international language standards is key for clear and precise communication. The influence of the French language, historically significant in diplomacy and academia, further underscores the importance of refining one’s English accent for seamless interaction in various global contexts.
Hope this article has helped you discover English as a universal language!

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